28 food apps every foodie should try

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site

Apium Hub

For a foodie, food is not a medium to satisfy the growling stomach. Food brings not only satisfaction but also happiness. And whether you prefer dining out in your city or while traveling, there is an app for that. Food apps can help you with all your food-related demands – from keeping up with the latest recipe trends to finding out which food truck is nearby to learning more about beyond meat and next trending food. And here’s an assortment of different food apps that foodies would want to keep on their smartphone:

28 food apps every foodie should try

1. Yelp

The first one on our food apps list for foodies is Yelp. American multinational company Yelp is a huge review forum used to connect customers with local businesses, including restaurants. Foodservice owners can set up accounts and interact with their customers. The reviews are sourced from consumers themselves

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