An Angular 5 Tutorial: Step by Step Guide to Your First Angular 5 App

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Angular is a new version of the AngularJS framework, developed by Google. It comes with a complete rewrite, and various improvements including optimized builds and faster compile times. In this Angular 5 tutorial, we are going to build a notes app from scratch. If you’ve been waiting to learn Angular 5, this tutorial is for you.

The final source code for the app can be found here.

There are two major versions of the framework: AngularJS (version 1) and Angular (version 2+). Since version 2, Angular is no longer a JavaScript framework, so there’s a huge difference between them, warranting a fundamental name change.

Should I Use Angular?

It depends. Some developers will tell you that it’s better to use React and build your own components without much additional code. But that may be a problem, too. Angular is a fully integrated framework that allows you to start working

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