Our astrophysics simulator is powered by a potent rocket fuel mixture of hope, hype, and access to new computing power.
We can access this computing power with web workers. If you’re already familiar with web workers, you might want to grok the code and jump ahead to WebAssembly, which will be discussed in the next article.
In recent years, JavaScript became the most installed, learned, and accessible programming language because it brought some incredibly useful features to the static web:
Single-threaded event loop Asynchronous code Garbage collection Data without rigid typing
Single-threaded means we don’t have to worry much about the complexity and pitfalls of multithreaded programming.
Asynchronous means we can pass around functions as parameters to be executed later – as events in the event loop.
These features and Google’s massive investment in the performance of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, along with good developer tools made JavaScript and Node.js
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