The Disinvitation

This post was originally published on this site

Clean Coder

I have a friend, in the Chicago area, who calls me up two or three times a year to ask me to give a talk at a User Group, or a conference he’s involved with, or something like that. If my schedule is free I always say yes. I don’t charge anything because I enjoy supporting the Chicago software community, and it’s never a bad thing to get my face out in front of new people. I am a consultant, after all, and giving pro-bono talks is one of the ways I promote myself.

Anyway, he wrote to me last October (That’s right, a full year ago!) and asked me to give a presentation at a Chicago conference this September 21st. I agreed, and he thanked me, and that was that. Then, in June, he wrote to tell me that the conference was going to be virtual due to

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