Vote Against Trump, Again

This post was originally published on this site

Martin Fowler

I try not to write much about American elections on my website, but four years ago I broke that pattern to urge my readers to vote against Donald Trump. The core of my position was that his shameless lying was the sign of a dangerous demagogue who would damage our democratic system.

Four years later, I’m happy to see that we still have a functioning two-party system. But Mr Trump has still made plenty of worrying steps towards authoritarianism. In addition to his incessant lies, he’s blocked oversight of his government by both Congress and the inspector generals, bribed a foreign government to smear a political opponent, and sent unmarked federal riot police onto the streets.

That’s why I think it’s vital that he be voted out of office this year. Not just defeated, however, but defeated by a substantial margin. Such a margin is necessary because he’s

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