Clean Coder
The following is a segment of a journey. It has no obvious beginning point, nor does it actually end up anywhere. The value, if any, is in the journey itself.
The code below is the standard solution to the Prime Factors Kata.
public List<Integer> factorsOf(int n) { ArrayList<Integer> factors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int d = 2; n > 1; d++) for (; n % d == 0; n /= d) factors.add(d); return factors; }
However, I was doing this kata in Clojure the other day and I wound up with a different solution. It looked like this:
(defn prime-factors [n] (loop [n n d 2 factors []] (if (> n 1) (if (zero? (mod n d)) (recur (/ n d) d (conj factors d)) (recur n (inc d) factors)) factors)))
The algorithm is pretty
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