Enhanced Git Flow Explained

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Inadvertently causing damage with Git can be all too easy. Yet, the best way to use Git will always be controversial.

That’s because Git itself only details basic branching operations, which leaves its usage patterns—i.e., branching models—a matter of user opinion. Git branching models promise to ease the pain by organizing the chaos that inevitably arises as software developers make changes to their codebases.

Like many developers, you wanted something that would “just work” so you could get on with actual software development. So you picked up Git flow, a branching model often recommended to Git users. Maybe you were on board with Git flow’s logic at first, until you hit some snags with it in practice. Or maybe Git flow doesn’t seem like a good enough fit for you to adopt it. After all, there are countless variables at play, and no single branching model will work well in

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