Software Engineer Performance Reviews Explained

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


When considering different approaches to software engineer performance reviews, one question is bound to come to mind: Why do we need to use multiple review models? The simple answer is that software development is a complex, multifaceted process that often involves dozens of individuals working in various teams.

Executives and stakeholders don’t always have intimate knowledge of each developer’s qualifications and responsibilities, especially in big organizations and teams. This is why performance reviews should be left to technically proficient professionals capable of understanding each software engineer’s responsibilities, competencies, skill set, and role in the software development process as a whole.

So, what is the right way of conducting performance reviews? The answer will depend on many factors, ranging from the organization’s size and goals to more granular aspects of an engineer’s performance.

Management Performance Reviews

Managers play a leading role in engineering performance reviews. In many smaller organizations, a direct

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