Roku Adds, Then Drops, Alex Jones’ ‘InfoWars’ Channel

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The Inquisitr - Tech

The streaming platform Roku, best known for making boxes that help customers play streaming services on their TVs, was found early on Tuesday to have approved and added a channel for InfoWars, the media outlet run by notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. But by day’s end, the channel had been dropped by Roku.

The episode came after several major technology platforms, including Apple, YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, and Twitter, cut ties with Jones and InfoWars last year. Jones was ordered earlier this month, per the Hartford Courant, to turn over documents in a case in which he’s been sued by a group of families of children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre. Jones has alleged in the years since that the massacre itself was a hoax, a charge he has also attached to various other tragedies and calamities.

Digiday was first to report Tuesday that an InfoWars channel had

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