Tesla Has Just Launched Their Model 3 Sedan For Only $35,000 And You Can Buy It Online Now

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The Inquisitr - Tech

While Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been working hard since 2016 to push out the company’s Model 3 sedan at a super low mass market price tag, after suggesting just last month that this car would finally be here before 2019 was through, Tesla made the surprise announcement on Thursday that the Standard Range Model of this vehicle was finally being sold online for just $35,000, which is of course before the savings start to kick in.

As The Daily Mail reports, potential buyers of the Model 3 are able to rent it and test it out for themselves, driving the car for either 1,000 miles or seven days. Tesla’s Standard Range Model has a top speed of 130 MPH and boasts a range of 230 miles, with acceleration reaching 60 MPH in 5.6 seconds.

Tesla reportedly stopped processing orders on their website last week, writing cryptically that “great things

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