The Bitcoin Lightning Network is an independent solution that’s heralded as the solution to all problems keeping Bitcoin from mainstream adoption. It claims to solve the bleak scaling problem, make instant transactions, keep transaction fees minuscule, and take your transactions off the blockchain. How can a system independent of core Bitcoin offer these improvements? How can it violate the coventional rules of Bitcoin by offering secure transactions with zero confirmations? What is the Bitcoin Lightning Network?
In this article, we’ll explore what the Bitcoin Lightning Network really is, how it can make the guarantees it provides, and its current state.
Note: This article assumes familiarity with Bitcoin. If you’re unfamiliar with how cryptocurrencies work or need a refresher, read Cryptocurrency for Dummies: Bitcoin and Beyond.
Prerequisite: The Bitcoin Scaling Problem
If you’re aware of the Bitcoin scaling problem, feel free to skip this section, but if you aren’t, or need
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