Why use the NestJS framework?

, Software Pundits
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Apium Hub

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As a front-end developer, I would like to say that the NestJs framework was the best choice to start touching the backend part of the applications. I was always asking my tutor in Apiumhub about design patterns, clean architecture, and microservices. He then showed me the link to the NestJs’s fully completed and very well-structured documentation. It was a good discovery for me to get lost on this page and learn about decorators, providers, dependency injection, testing, authentication, and more topics from different areas.

What is NestJs?

First of all, what is this NestJs? It is an open-source Node.js framework for developing challenging backend systems that use the design paradigm convention over configuration that eliminates the need for explicit configuration by allowing developers to utilize common tools and code in a particular way.

You can create scalable, testable, and loosely coupled applications. It

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