How to Use JWT and Node.js for Better App Security

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


To protect proprietary data, it is imperative to secure any API that provides services to clients through requests. A well-built API identifies intruders and prevents them from gaining access, and a JSON Web Token (JWT) allows client requests to be validated and potentially encrypted.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the process of adding JWT security to a Node.js API implementation. While there are multiple ways to implement API layer security, JWT is a widely adopted, developer-friendly security implementation in Node.js API projects.

JWT Explained

JWT is an open standard that safely allows information exchange in a space-constrained environment using a JSON format. It’s simple and compact, enabling a broad range of applications that elegantly combine a number of other security standards.

JWTs, carrying our encoded data, may be encrypted and concealed, or signed and easily readable. If a token is encrypted, all required hash and algorithmic information is contained

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