Onboarding bottleneck: more steps for good onboarding

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Martin Fowler

How did you get into the bottleneck?

A growing startup commonly underinvests in its onboarding process. The need to scale up headcount rapidly can come about unexpectedly. An event can trigger the team scaling – perhaps the product took off with customers, or the startup acquired a company or pivoted in a new product direction. Quickly, plans change to how many people the startup now needs to achieve their new goals, the recruiting team starts interviewing and making offers. With added pressure, you don’t take time to optimize the onboarding process. If an effective onboarding system wasn’t already in place, the new employees are dropped into teams, assigned some tasks, and left to figure out how to become productive for themselves. It’s particularly problematic if team members aren’t collaboratively helping the new employee get up to speed, there’s no onboarding documentation, the code is impossible to read, or the

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