Social Media Has Minimal Impact On Teenagers’ Lives, Study Finds

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The Inquisitr - Tech

A research team at the University of Oxford revealed, through a major study across the United Kingdom, that social media has a limited effect in teenagers’ lives.

Researchers studied about 12,000 adolescents in the country and determined that family, friends, and school life had a much greater impact on their well-being than social media use, which in turn had a “tiny” effect on their overall life satisfaction, as reported by BBC News.

The Oxford team claims the study, which took place between 2009 and 2017 and was published in the journal PNAS, is more in-depth than previous ones. They also urged companies to release more data on how people use online platforms for a better understanding into the impact of technology on young people. The study’s main goal was to determine whether or not teens who use social media more than average have a lower life satisfaction, or if adolescents

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