The Chat Crash – When a Chatbot Fails

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Remember that movie Her, the futuristic romance where everyone wears high-waisted pants and a lonely letter writer named Theodore lands an AI girlfriend called Samantha? Towards the end of the film, Samantha grows super smart, reveals she’s been dating around, and dumps Theodore with a classic, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

It’s a strange cinematic spectacle that perfectly illustrates the general public’s perception of artificial intelligence and machine learning: “Pretty soon, my computer will be more human than me!”

Her envisions the complexities of bot/human companionship, but do we really stand to benefit by relating with bots on such an intimate level?

Unfortunately, this same sentiment has seeped into the present-day buzz surrounding chatbot technology. Design articles and experts alike seem settled on the inevitable omnipresence of conversational robots. In the very near future, it appears we’ll spend our waking hours merrily chatting with machines.

One problem…

When confronted

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