Clean Coder
The demand for programmers is high, and growing:
“According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, software developer jobs are expected to grow 17% from 2014 till 2024. They categorize this growth as “much faster” than the average rate among other professions.” Forbes 2017
The supply of programmers is well behind the demand.
“In an average month, there were 115,058 unique job postings for software developers and 33,579 actually hired. This means there was approximately 1 hire for every 3 unique job postings.” – Emsi 2017
Why then is the industry ignoring nearly 50% of the population?
“92.1 percent of the respondents to Stack Overflow’s 2015 developer survey identified as male; only 5.8 percent identified as female. (The remaining respondents either chose “other” or declined to answer.) The survey was conducted online in February, using ads placed on Stack Overflow, and included respondents from 157 countries.”
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