Clean Coder
I promise that this blog is about software. So bear with me for a bit.
What happens when you increase the throttle in an airplane? You go faster, right? More power to the engine means more thrust which means more speed.
Most of the time this is true; but there’s a different mode you can get the aircraft into which reverses this relationship. It’s called: the region of reversed command.
Remember the four forces that govern flight: gravity, lift, thrust, and drag. Lift opposes gravity, and thrust opposes drag. An airplane, in straight and level flight, balances all these forces perfectly.
Thrust, of course, comes from the engine. Lift comes from the air flowing around the wings, and drag…? Well, drag comes from two different sources.
Parasitic drag is simply the cost of plowing through the air. It is the air resisting the movement of the plane. But there’s another kind
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