What are web developers looking for in their tech stacks? I think it mainly comes down to two types of performance: You want rapid development and you want the UI to be snappy. Sounds simple enough.
But the implied context is a set of mechanics that, above all, work correctly. Underneath all JavaScript frameworks and technologies in 2019 are choices among paradigms: functional versus object-oriented programming, MVC versus MVP versus MVVM, and so on. These choices are heralded by various meta-developers as the best way to avoid hurting ourselves because there are plenty of pitfalls in front-end development.
If you don’t think managing state is tricky, consider the fact that 80% of all problems in all complex systems are fixed by rebooting.
— stuarthalloway (@stuarthalloway) June 1, 2019
In other words, front-end developers in 2020 will need what they’ve always needed: Technology that makes state
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