Adapting for Success – A Guide to Change Management

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Executive Summary Organizational change is increasingly necessary, but implementing change is really hard. Due to the increasing pace of technological progress, the time between innovation and adoption has shortened tremendously, putting significant pressure on legacy businesses and in turn markedly shortening their average lifespans. But change is hard. Studies by HBR, McKinsey, BCG, and IBM all point to very low success rates for change management projects within corporations. Why do change management projects fail? There is a vast body of literature on the subject of change management. I took five recent articles and studies and listed the most commonly cited reasons for failure. Poor planning and lack of commitment are mentioned in 80% of the articles as a major source of failure. It also appears that many reasons for failure are related. For example, poor planning or inadequate support from leadership automatically results in poor process. My

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