Ask an NLP Engineer: From GPT Models to the Ethics of AI

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Over the past year, Toptal data scientist and natural language processing engineer (NLP) Daniel Pérez Rubio has been intensely focused on developing advanced language models like BERT and GPT—the same language model family behind omnipresent generative AI technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. What follows is a summary of a recent ask-me-anything-style Slack forum in which Rubio fielded questions about AI and NLP topics from other Toptal engineers around the world.

This comprehensive Q&A will answer the question “What does an NLP engineer do?” and satisfy your curiosity on subjects such as essential NLP foundations, recommended technologies, advanced language models, product and business concerns, and the future of NLP. NLP professionals of varying backgrounds can gain tangible insights from the topics discussed.

Editor’s note: Some questions and answers have been edited for clarity and brevity.

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