Martin Fowler I was lucky enough to work with Kent Beck on the C3 project that birthed Extreme Programming. There was a great deal I learned (and
Martin Fowler Eurogames (also known as German-style Board Games) are a particular variety of board game. If the phrase ‘board game’
Martin Fowler A short summary of the changes between the first and second editions of Refactoring At the broadest level, the second
Martin Fowler To read the full article click on the 'post' link at the top.
Martin Fowler I was lucky enough to work with Kent Beck on the C3 project that birthed Extreme Programming. There was a great deal I learned (and
Martin Fowler When breaking monoliths into smaller services, the hardest part is actually breaking up the data that lives in the database of the
Martin Fowler When breaking monoliths into smaller services, the hardest part is actually breaking up the data that lives in the database of the
Martin Fowler I was lucky enough to work with Kent Beck on the C3 project that birthed Extreme Programming. There was a great deal I learned (and
Martin Fowler When breaking monoliths into smaller services, the hardest part is actually breaking up the data that lives in the database of the
Martin Fowler When breaking monoliths into smaller services, the hardest part is actually breaking up the data that lives in the database of the