The Daily WTF Jason was investigating a bug in a bitmask. It should have been set to 0b11, but someone had set it to just plain decimal 11. The
The Daily WTF …to know which way the wind blows. This week, it’s been an ill one. Two of our readers sent us references to the
The Daily WTF Working at a company where the leadership started as technical people has its advantages, but it can also carry costs. Arthur is in
The Daily WTF Let’s say you have a web application, and you need to transfer some data that exists in your backend, server-side, down to
The Daily WTF Ben‘s web firm took on a new client, and they’re using a rather questionable shopping cart system. Like a lot of PHP
The Daily WTF The power of structured exception handling is that it allows every layer in our stack be notified of an error condition, do
The Daily WTF I am amused to see that Warcraft III is still out there being played. I think it was my son’s first PC game and maybe the
The Daily WTF Alexander doesn’t usually ask “why are you hiring for this position?” during an interview. But when a small
The Daily WTF Seuf sends us some old code, which entered production in 2011. While there have been attempts to supplant it many, many times,
The Daily WTF Jason started work on a C++ application doing quantitative work. The nature of the program involves allocating all sorts of blocks