The Daily WTF Several months ago, Rebecca‘s predecessor wrote some Perl code to traverse a JSON-esque data-structure. It was an hash map
The Daily WTF No fail merges today, no fexts or flubstitutes. Just flubs, subbed by a pantheon of old hands. I think everyone represented has
The Daily WTF There is an entire category of WTF rooted in not understanding what HTTP status codes mean. As a quick refresher, the basic pattern
The Daily WTF Many years ago, Valts and his spouse both worked for the same company. The company had an ERP system that started its life as a
The Daily WTF Gracie had a friend who was interested in becoming a teacher. To get admitted into a teaching program at the local university, the
The Daily WTF Ensuring you code is readable is arguably one of the most important things you can do after ensuring it is correct. The real
The Daily WTF I read your minds today, and what I saw there said you’re all desperate for more Error’d. Lucky you, here’s a
The Daily WTF Bleu supports a Pimcore-based PHP site. Pimcore is a rather sprawling enterprise system for PHP. Like many Model-View-Controller
The Daily WTF Matt‘s team had a party after their last release. It was a huge push, with tons of new features, that came at the end of many
The Daily WTF Inilock started making locks back in the 1880s, and has always had a conservative approach to changing things about how locks work.