Toptal Toptal engineer Jurgens du Toit looks at the possibility of using Logstash to regain control of your inbox and make your error emails
Toptal Although the most wide-spread and supported way of running Django is on a Linux system (e.g., with uwsgi and nginx), it actually
Toptal A business rules engine is a tool for executing business rules. Business rules are composed of facts and conditional statements. Any
Toptal The Internet is becoming “smarter” every day. The video-sharing website that you frequently visit seems to know exactly what
Toptal A thorough and practical introduction to concurrent and parallel programming in Ruby, presenting and contrasting a number of techniques
Toptal In our previous post on the GWT Web Toolkit, we discussed the strengths and characteristics of GWT, to mix Java and JavaScript libraries
Toptal You hear a familiar song in the club or the restaurant. You listened to this song a thousand times long ago, and the sentimentality of the
Toptal Microsoft has a long tradition of spicing up relatively dull product announcements with compelling tech demos, and the Windows 10
Toptal Modern web browsers provide a rich set of APIs; some of which have been around for a long time, and have since been used to build powerful
Toptal When coming across the term “text search”, one usually thinks of a large body of text, which is indexed in a way that makes it