Toptal I love and use Django in lots of my personal and client projects, mostly for those involving relational databases and more classical web
Toptal Writing concurrent programs is hard. Having to deal with threads, locks, race conditions, and so on is highly error-prone and can lead to
Toptal With an 80% increase in the remote workforce from 2005 to 2012, there must be more to the picture than meets the eye. This post pulls the
Toptal With the increasingly ubiquitous nature of mobile devices and applications, if you’re not already thinking about mobile apps, you
Toptal In a recent phone screen, I decided to use a class attribute in my implementation of a certain Python API. My interviewer challenged me,
Toptal Elasticsearch provides a powerful, scalable tool for indexing and querying massive amounts of structured data, built on top of the Apache
Toptal The need to adapt legacy code and systems to meet modern day performance and processing demands is widespread. This post provides a case
Toptal Testing. It always seems to get left to the last minute, then cut because you’re out of time, budget, or whatever else. Management
Toptal Making a basic Android app is easy. But making it reliable, scalable, and robust, on the other hand, can be quite challenging. With
Toptal Effective interviewing and hiring is as much of an art as it is a science. Nonetheless, approaches and methodologies do exist for