C# vs. C++: What’s at the Core?

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


In the fast-paced and evolving world of software engineering, different programming languages are vying to earn their place in the industry. However, different languages use different paradigms and tend to have long lists of pros and cons, making direct comparisons between them challenging and inconclusive.

Some languages, though, have similar syntax and focus, so it makes sense to compare them side by side. In this article, we examine the difference between C++ and C#, and compare these prolific programming languages.

A Brief History of C# and C++

In the 1970s, as Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup worked on his PhD thesis, he wanted to use Simula, the first object-oriented programming language. But Simula proved to be too slow so Stroustrup decided to use C, which was—and some would say still is—the fastest programming language.

The image depicts two bars displaying different versions of C# and C++</a></p>
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