The Inquisitr - Tech
Some Android users have recently discovered that they can’t delete the Facebook app from their phone. Rather than deleting the app, users are only given the option to disable it. TechCrunch reported on this, noting that “Facebook is the new crapware.” Meaning, thanks to an agreement between Facebook and certain mobile companies, the app comes pre-loaded onto the phone. It’s also undeleteable, which has its pros for the company considering it might urge users to actively use their platform.
“Consumers who do not want their digital activity and location surveilled by the people-profiling giant will likely crave the peace of mind of not having any form of Facebook app, stub or otherwise, taking up space on their device.”
Thanks to the Cambridge Analytica scandal, more information than ever before has been leaked to the public about the true inner workings of Facebook. In particular, many users were shocked
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