Craftsman, Craftswoman, Craftsperson

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Clean Coder

02 May 2018

In the past I have used the term “Craftswoman” only when refering directly to a woman. In most other cases, including most gender neutral cases, I have used the term “Craftsman”. I say “most” because when I would address a team of both men and women I’d be as likely as not to use some variation of “Craftsmen and Craftswomen”.

When writing, however, I have used “Craftsman” for the gender neutral cases. This is because there is a certain formality to writing; and “Craftsman” seemed to me to be proper English.

I recently had a discussion with a software craftswoman named Liz Keogh. She is a woman whom I consider to be far more adept at the craft we share than I, so I take her words very seriously. She graciously, and patiently, explained to me that the appearance of the word “Craftsman” in written formal text,

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