Enterprise Navigation: Design Methodologies for Stakeholder Collaboration

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Designing (or redesigning) an enterprise navigation system is not a task taken lightly. Enterprise applications serve a large number of users, accommodate a wide range of personas, and contain a significant volume of content and features. Some enterprise applications even have multiple web-based desktop and mobile products which need to integrate seamlessly for a more enjoyable user experience.

Though this may appear to be a daunting or even impossible task best handled by a large team of “experts,” a solo information architect or UX designer can single-handedly tackle an enterprise application UX design overhaul—as long as she follows an effective methodology for stakeholder collaboration.

“When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.” – Creighton Williams Abrams Jr.

About Enterprise Navigation Design Systems

The primary differences between enterprise applications and smaller web-based systems are the sheer volume of content and variety of features. Where smaller systems may effectively rely

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