Previously on the Toptal Design Blog, we investigated the value of design education and why aspiring designers may not need one. We focused on the traditional, four-year university path that leads to a bachelor’s degree and found an overpriced model teetering between irrelevancy and hopeful reform initiatives.
Our research also revealed an entire ecosystem of divergent educational paths springing to life.
From intensive on-location academies to extensive video-libraries and remote mentorships, the options are numerous. Of particular interest is the growing number of “academies” that promise to prepare students for design jobs, often in UX, in exceedingly short time frames (as little as 9 days).
Organizations that make claims like this are doubly-dubious. They can’t deliver what’s promised, and they prey on the hopes and ambitions of aspiring designers.
It’s clear that design education is changing, but is it for the better?
With so many options, a staggering range
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