Fake Text Messages About A Military Draft Denied By U.S. Army

, Tech News
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The Inquisitr - Tech

Some cell phone users have reported getting official-looking text messages telling them they need to immediately show up at the nearest military installation to report for a draft, presumably because of a potential war in Iran, CBS News reports. There is no draft and there are no plans to conscript anyone into service, the U.S. military confirmed on Wednesday, noting that the text messages were a hoax.

Twitter user @antibydesign was one of an untold number of individuals who said they received a text message in recent days, one informing them that they had been drafted. However, @antibydesign claimed not to have bought it.

Another Twitter user, @Leupp, said that when they got the text message, they clicked on it and got an even more official-looking summons to the nearest draft board.

“You have been considered eligible and must report to your nearest military branch for immediate departure to Iran… Please contact us

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