Functional Classes in Clojure

This post was originally published on this site

Clean Coder

My previous blog seemed only to continue the confusion regarding classes in Functional Programming. Indeed, many people got quite irate. So perhaps a bit of code will help.

Trigger Warning:

Object Oriented Terminology. Dynamically Typed Language. Mixed Metaphors. Distracting Animations.

To all the adherents of the Statically Typed Functional Programming religion: I know that you believe that Static Typing is an essential aspect of Functional Programming and that no mere dynamically typed language could ever begin to approach the heights and glory of The One True and Holy TYPED Functional Apotheotic Paradigm. But we lowly programmers quivering down here at the base of Orthanc can only hope to meekly subsist on the dregs that fall from on high.

(R.I.P. Kirstie Alley

OK, so, once again…

A class is an intentionally named abstraction that consists of a set of narrowly cohesive functions that operate

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