Git Bisect

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site

Apium Hub

Git offers a huge array of really useful tools for software development that are great to explore. Today I’ll talk about one of these: Git Bisect, very useful when we want to search for something specific within our code.

What is Git Bisect and how does it work?

Bisect comes form binary search algorithm, and it’s an efficient way to search through a large set of (sorted) data. By repetitive dividing the batch in half and performing some kind of validation check, we are able to scan through a huge amount of data in a limited number of iterations. Bisect could be performed manually, by simply “checking out” to a specific commit and looking through the code. Yet the provided implementation protects us from all sorts of possible errors and does a lot of manual labor for us.

When it’s a good time to use bisect? When you are not

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