Google Reveals 2018’s Most Searched Questions

, Tech News
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The Inquisitr - Tech

It appears that in 2018, people were hoping to get rich quick, learn how to perform the Fortnite victory dances, and register then vote in an election.

As part of its annual “Year in Search” series, Google has released its list of 2018’s most trending search topics that begin with the phrase “How to…” It’s a fresh and fun look at all of the things people needed assistance with in 2018. Many are understandable, and some are intriguing.

Google selected the top 10 “How to…” searches that saw a significant spike in search traffic compared to the year prior, the company shared. It’s no surprise that a large number of searches were conducted about November’s midterm elections, a reflection of the sizable surge in voter turnout that ultimately swayed the national balance of power between Democrats and Republicans.

As a couple of lottery jackpots swelled to

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