Our previous Haxe review ended with a look at the then upcoming Haxe 4. With the official release of Haxe 4 (and shortly thereafter, two bug-patch releases—version 4.0.1 and 4.0.2), it’s time for a new Haxe review. What are the latest additions to this burgeoning programming language? Where is the Haxe programming language community heading? Are Haxe game engines still its mainstay?
Haxe Review: Haxe 4’s New Features
With more than three years of development since the last major release, version 4 of the Haxe programming language improves macro performance, developer experience, and syntax. Three of its enhancements are still considered experimental but worth highlighting: the new JVM bytecode target, support for inline markup, and null safety checks.
The Experimental JVM Bytecode Compilation Target in Haxe 4
Haxe 4’s new JVM bytecode target makes Java development via Haxe quite a bit more efficient by cutting out a major compilation step:
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