This is a minimal example of hot module replacement (or HMR) in a Redux application. The working demo code is hosted on GitHub. We only include those settings essential to support HMR, making you easy to apply HMR in your own Redux application.
If you cannot wait to apply HMR, jump to this section to set up HMR for your project within five minutes!
Run the Example
Get your hands dirty first! Before you run the commands to start this example application, please ensure that Git, Node.js, and Yarn are installed correctly on your machine.
$ git clone $ cd articles && git checkout redux-hmr $ yarn install $ yarn start
Then visit http://localhost:3000/ to see if it works.
Upon writing your code, hot module replacement is able to update the page without a full refresh. More importantly, the Redux state is kept while other
To read the full article click on the 'post' link at the top.