It’s no secret that the WordPress codebase is a mess. Personally, every time I go through it, all I want is to curl up and cry. On the other hand, WordPress is way ahead of its competition. An easy-to-use and powerful CMS is an enormous undertaking, and WordPress remains popular because it delivers this.
So why would we care about the quality of code in WordPress core? It works, right?
Yes, it works, and the 15-year-old codebase is unlikely to be completely refactored by its volunteer maintainers. Unfortunately, this means it also functions as an example of coding “the WordPress way,” excusing numerous developers for not following best practices and modern development techniques. So many WordPress plugins and themes have infamously bad code, and blindly following legacy practices only continues the trend.
But who cares about bad code that still does its job? Well, nothing is free, and someone pays
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