How to Build an Effective Initial Deployment Pipeline

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


I love building things—what developer doesn’t? I love thinking up solutions to interesting problems, writing implementations, and creating beautiful code. However, what I don’t like is operations. Operations is everything not involved in building great software—everything from setting up servers to getting your code shipped to production.

This is interesting, because as a freelance Ruby on Rails developer, I frequently have to create new web applications and repeat the process of figuring out the DevOps side of things. Fortunately, after creating dozens of applications, I’ve finally settled on a perfect initial deployment pipeline. Unfortunately, not everyone’s got it figured out like I have—eventually, this knowledge led me to take the plunge and document my process.

In this article, I’ll walk you through my perfect pipeline to use at the beginning of your project. With my pipeline, every push is tested, the master branch is deployed to staging with a fresh

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