How to manage a program in a product-mode organization

This post was originally published on this site

Martin Fowler

In their ideal state, product-mode organizations are formed of loosely coupled, autonomous teams that respond rapidly to articulated and unarticulated user needs. On occasion however, opportunities arise that require a response involving coordination across multiple teams. If not managed effectively the outcome will result in missed revenue, unsatisfied customers and wasted team capacity. We refer to the organizational initiatives that respond to these opportunities as programs. In this article, we’ll share our experience managing programs in product-mode organizations through an example of a program gone bad.

Why are programs so hard?

Organiations operating in product-mode use durable, ideate-build-run teams working on a persistent business issue to continusouly deliver value to customers. Over time, through the process of removing waste in their value stream, these organizations structure themselves in a way that decreases the need for coordination across multiple teams often resulting in a microservices systems architecture. It is common for

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