In The Large

This post was originally published on this site

Clean Coder

From the very first moments of the Agile revolution we pondered the question of Agile in the Large. How could we take the principles of light-weight, iterative, incremental, high-feedback development and apply them to truly huge projects?

At first the answers were things like Scrum of Scrums. The idea was to recursively apply the principles of Agile development at ever higher levels of scale. A project that required more than one team of 5-12 developers could be built by two such teams with a higher level team to “oversee?” them.

Note the question mark. As we start to consider large projects, we can’t avoid hierarchy; but hierarchy seems anathema to Agile. After all, Agile is all about egalitarianism. It is a rejection of command and control. It is a rejection of plans and schedules and…

Oh Bollocks! It is not!

Agile was a revolution in the sense of “a

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