Influence with Design – A Guide to Color and Emotions

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Seeing red. Feeling blue. Green with envy.

Popular idioms show that people have long associated colors with the emotions they evoke. People associate red with anger (or lust), blue with depression, and since at least Shakespeare’s day, green with jealousy. (He referenced the color green in relation to jealousy at least three times in his works.)

UX designers can utilize color to great effect in order to influence people’s emotions as well as their actual behavior. Color has the single greatest effect on how people perceive designs, yet too many designers do not spend the necessary time and effort to properly create color palettes for their projects.

That results in a lot of wasted effort and color palettes that aren’t necessarily influencing a desirable response to a product. And in a worst case scenario, colors can turn people off even when everything else about a design is optimized.

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