Lambda World Cádiz 18: Highlights

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site

Apium Hub

Lambda world Cádiz, one of the most important conferences on functional programming in Europe, took place in Cádiz on October 25 and 26. A software development team from Apiumhub was there attending some of the talks. Since the lectures and the workshops took place in several simultaneous tracks, we could not attend all of them, so we will explain to you those we went to and give you some highlights.

Lambda World started with an unconference where several people gave lightning talks.

Lambda World unconference 

It was an interesting part, the first speaker was Juan Manuel Serrano, CTO of Habla Apps, who was also a speaker at Software Crafters BCN 18. His talk was about solving a problem that required dependent types for which he used Scala + Shapeless, but also implemented the same solution with Agda. Very interesting! He showed us how to extend the Scala native Collection types

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