Language Server Protocol Tutorial: From VSCode to Vim

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


The main artifact of all your work is most likely plain text files. So why don’t you use Notepad to create them?

Syntax highlighting and automatic formatting are just the tip of the iceberg. What about linting, code completion, and semi-automatic refactoring? These are all very good reasons to use a “real” code editor. These are vital to our day-to-day, but do we understand how they work?

In this Language Server Protocol tutorial, we’ll explore these questions a bit and find out what makes our text editors tick. In the end, together we’ll implement a basic language server along with example clients for VSCode, Sublime Text 3, and Vim.

Compilers vs. Language Services

We’ll skip over syntax highlighting and formatting for now, which is handled with static analysis—an interesting topic in its own right—and focus on the main feedback we get from these tools. There are two main categories: compilers

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