Open Letter to the Linux Foundation

This post was originally published on this site

Clean Coder

To: The Linux Foundation
Jim Zemlin: Executive Director
Angela Brown: VP of Events
Andy Updegrove: Legal Council

From: Robert Martin (@unclebobmartin) (

Re: Code of Conduct case of Charles Max Wood.

Dear Linux Foundation:

I am writing to you as a concerned member of the software development community which I have enjoyed serving for the last 50 years. I am writing in public because the events I wish to describe took place in public. I fear that something has gone terribly wrong within your organization; and that it will have deep repercussions within this industry that I cherish.

The timeline of events, as far as I can determine them, is as follows:

The Linux Foundation received a public tweet sent to the @KubeCon twitter address. That tweet recommended that Kube Con discontinue their association with Charles Max Wood. The reasons given in this complaint were his request for an open and civil phone call,

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