Password Rules Are Bullshit

This post was originally published on this site

Coding Horror

Of the many, many, many bad things about passwords, you know what the worst is? Password rules.

If we don’t solve the password problem for users in my lifetime I am gonna haunt you from beyond the grave as a ghost

— Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) August 11, 2015

Let this pledge be duly noted on the permanent record of the Internet. I don’t know if there’s an afterlife, but I’ll be finding out soon enough, and I plan to go out mad as hell.

The world is absolutely awash in terrible password rules:

But I don’t need to tell you this. The more likely you are to use a truly random password generation tool, like us über-geeks are supposed to, the more likely you have suffered mightily – and daily – under this regime.

Have you seen the classic XKCD about passwords?

We can certainly debate whether

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