Clean Coder
By now everyone is familiar with BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and its emblematic adjective/adverb/adverb triplet: GIVEN/WHEN/THEN. There is something satisfying about using these three words to describe a requirement.
GIVEN That the system is waiting for login. WHEN the user provides a valid username and password. THEN the user is presented with the welcome page.
The impact that this triplet has had on our industry is significant. It began as a way to describe high level tests, and has become a general means for specifying requirements. It has even acquired a name: Gherkin.
Nowadays business analysts and programmers are encouraged to write suites of Gherkin scenarios to describe the systems they want to build. An entire consulting industry has grown up around this idea. Behavior Driven Development, which used to be a testing dialect, has become a management consulting strategy.
Spock: Fascinating.
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