Python and Finance – Power Up Your Spreadsheets

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Executive Summary Why is Python a great programming language for finance professionals to learn? Python is a high-level programming language, meaning that it abstracts away and handles many of the technical aspects of programming, such as memory management, that must be explicitly handled in other languages. This makes Python easy to use for those without a technical background. Because the language was designed with readability and ease-of-use in mind, it is one of the easiest languages to learn. Python code is concise and close to plain English. Python is ideal for prototyping and rapid, iterative development. Its interactive interpreter tools provide environments where you can write and execute each line of code in isolation and see the results immediately. At the same time, Python is robust and performant, making it a viable choice also for core systems and larger applications. In addition to its large standard library of useful

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