Reactive architecture benefits & use cases

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site

Apium Hub

While the term reactive architecture has been around for a long time, only relatively recently has it been recognized by the industry and hit mainstream adoption. The goal of this article is to analyze what reactive really is and why to adopt it. 

Its core meaning has been formalized with the creation of the Reactive Manifesto2 in 2013, when Jonas Bonér collected some of the brightest minds in the distributed and high-performance computing industry – Dave Farley, Roland Kuhn, and Martin Thompson to collaborate and solidify what the core principles were for building reactive applications and systems. The goal was to clarify some of the confusion around reactive and build a strong basis for what would become a viable development style. Later on in the article we will look at the manifesto more in detailes, but now, let’s see what is reactive?

What does reactive really mean? 

Reactive programming is

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