For many critical application functions, including streaming and e-commerce, monolithic architecture is no longer sufficient. With current demands for real-time event data and cloud service usage, many modern applications, such as Netflix and Lyft, have shifted to an event-driven microservices approach. Separated microservices can operate independently of one another and enhance a code base’s adaptability and scalability.
But what is an event-driven microservices architecture, and why should you use it? We’ll examine the foundational aspects and create a complete blueprint for an event-driven microservices project using Python and Apache Kafka.
Using Event-driven Microservices
Event-driven microservices combine two modern architecture patterns: microservices architectures and event-driven architectures. Though microservices can pair with request-driven REST architectures, event-driven architectures are becoming increasingly relevant with the rise of big data and cloud platform environments.
What Is a Microservices Architecture?
A microservices architecture is a software development technique that organizes an application’s processes as loosely coupled services.
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